
Wednesday, 11 April 2007

77 Ways to get traffic By Allan Gardyne

Traffic tip #3 Continued
However, all it took for me to remember that unusual site was ONE visit
years ago.
You may not wish to go to such extreme lengths, but at least ask yourself:
"Will people remember my domain name?"
At my four main sites, a large percentage of the visitors are people who
have remembered the domain name and typed it directly into their browser.
(I also own a site built in 1996 which has a totally impossible to remember
URL, but that's another story.)
Try to choose a name which won't be confused with similar names. You
don't want people typing your competitor's domain name when they’re trying
to find your site. has a handy tool to help you choose domain names. Also,
you can find a surprising number of good deleted (expired) domain names
at Both those tools are free.
Traffic tip #4
Buy the wrong domain name, too.
If you think people may confuse your domain name with a similar name, try
to buy that name, too.
I noticed that sometimes when newsletters mentioned they put the "s" in the wrong place and called it
It even happened at an Internet marketing conference I was attending. The
speaker kindly mentioned my site, but got the name wrong. Whoops!
So when that wrong domain name became available, I bought it.
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