
Wednesday, 13 February 2008

A Marriage made in Heaven! (with links)

Got a few Funny pics through in my email and thought they were too good to keep to myself!
Married life is not always like this BUT if you have been In a bad one I would guess you would relate to these. There are some for the guys and some for the girls so here we go with the first with an Ouch! Attatched.

It Can't get worse or can it? Here is a bit more to laugh about maybe!

Some Things are just not fair! Just a couple more. they say the course of love never runs smooth! this is scary!

Worth sharing at the least dont you think? As a bit of fun I hid some random links on the pictures. Hope you all have better luck than these lot! Have fun see you all again soon.........
Credits: Some Cartoons Courtesy of Goofball

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