Hi, Glad you have stopped by and read this!
I have been leaning heavy on Digg for the last couple of post while I have been busy so here's an update for you, with a wish of a happy new year to all!
I intend to make the most of 2009 and helping others do the same anyway I can whatever way I find to do it!
It is a sad reality that there are a lot of people suffering from the current money situation.
Trapped by debts or just Income grinding to a halt, i want to help myself and others this year and it started last year!!
I started a new site and I am slowly loading it with options to make money!
You might notice that I am not farming for email addresses by adding a subscribe to me form, 9 times out of 10 the auto responder messages are the last things you want.
But you cant stop some of it can you? Even I am guilty of just deleting some of the continual bombardment of offers filling my inbox!
So why load you with it?
I would like the site and the blog to be informative and profitable so i am hoping that any visitor will either bookmark and visit occasionally to check out new offers.
Here is the address for the site and the blog: http://wealth.site90.net/
I have made money from these projects and there are two particular reasons for sharing them with my visitors, the obvious is to keep making money myself but It is all about giving everyone a chance to profit in the same way.
That is what really drives me on and has been an ambition of mine from the start.
I hope if you have read this post that you at least browse Wealth Site 90 and maybe benefit from the Info that I post to the blog maybe keep an eye on me on Twitter http://twitter.com/manofkent or even follow?
Making business a pleasure is my Idea of fun and 2009 has all the hallmarks of a good year.
I am still updating and have lots more to share, Thanks for being Interested and taking time to get this far down this post, It has been a pleasure and I hope whatever you are doing this year is profitable for you.
All the best Chris
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