There are terrible rumours flooding the Internet about affiliates being robbed of Commissions hard-earned. While I believe this may occur on some minor frequency, testing and experience has identified that it just isn't as bad as many would have you believe. Truth is, the bearer of the "gloom & doom" of affiliate link theft can usually be found to be thoughtfully including a link to a product that they claim will eliminate the theft problem completely.
You see, the web has billions of potential customers. These are the potential buyers from Your website. ClickBank has only about 140,000 affiliates. Pretty safe bet that most people out there don't know what an affiliate URL is, let alone how, or even why to cheat it. Even with the absolute BEST anti-affiliate link theft software out there, there is no way to Completely eliminate ClickBank link theft. Why? Because as soon as you transfer the customer from your site to ClickBank's, the affiliate has no control over what is displayed or revealed in the web address or the pages to follow. Most ClickBank affiliates know how to cheat a ClickBank affiliate URL, but don't do it anyway. But there are the unscrupulous few out there that will, but they are the exception and little can be done to deter them.
You see, the web has billions of potential customers. These are the potential buyers from
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